Midwifery Services
Home Birth Package
- Flexible Payment Plans Available -
1 hour of question and answer time to see if we are a good fit for each other
(1-2 hours) We discuss and go over your health and pregnancy history together, draw prenatal labs, and have a nutritional and dietary consultation.
(30 min – 1 hour) Visits are in-office from the start of care through 34 weeks, and then in your home from 36 weeks until the end of your postpartum period. Schedule is as follows: Once a month until 28 weeks, every other week until 36 weeks, then once a week until birth (more if needed). During these visits we will measure your belly's growth (fundal height), listen to your baby's heart tones and check their position as well as assess your health and comfort; perform any needed lab work; record your blood pressure, weight, pulse, temperature and overall wellness; discuss birth preferences and desires for testing and newborn procedures; and address any questions or concerns. You may opt into all home visits for an additional fee.
This includes basic prenatal labs at your initial visit and a follow-up around 30 weeks. Also includes regular prenatal screenings (GBS, gestational diabetes, etc.). Other lab work additional.
One ultrasound at 20 weeks for optimal measuring, anatomy scan, and gender check, if desired
I will come when you are in active labor, or at any point that you need me to be with you and will remain until a minimum of three hours after the birth.
In addition to myself, I will bring a second midwife with me to your birth, whom you will get to meet during your pregna.cy Click to see my team of Collaborating Midwives
Includes the immediate postpartum exam, a 24-hour, 72-hour, 1-week, 2-week, 4-week, 6-week, 9-week, and 12-week visit (you may choose less visits if desired). All postpartum visits include physical check-ups for you and baby, chest or breastfeeding counseling if needed, and mental wellness support.
Includes the newborn metabolic screening, critical congenital heart disease (CCHD) screening, and hearing screening. All three screenings are required by the state (religious exemptions allowed), made easier by doing in your home.
Includes all the essential items needed for home birth to keep your space clean, birth tub and accessories, and postpartum supplies for the birthing person.
Complimentary tea provided throughout the duration of your pregnancy.
$100 contribution on your behalf to the Bearth Scholarship

We offer inclusive, full-spectrum care to all families regardless of a person’s size, age, gender, race, or religion.