Frequently Asked Questions
Yes, absolutely! We love water birth. It helps minimize and reduce sensations of pain, and provides a calm and welcoming environment for your child.
Yes, absolutely! Per Utah state regulations you must not have had more than two cesareans to be considered a candidate for VBAC with an LDEM (licensed direct entry midwife).
It's a common misconception that midwives do not bring equipment to births. In reality, midwives bring lots of equipment! In fact, it usually takes at least 2 or 3 trips from the car to bring it all in. Included would be things like: oxygen, fetal monitoring device, birthing tub & accessories, herbs, antihemorrhagic medications, antibiotics, I.V. supplies, birthing stool, stuff to keep your house clean, and so so much more. Tour my birth bag!
We get this question a lot. In large part because both terms are somewhat unfamiliar to the general public, but also because they both have to do with birth. But simply put, midwives are reproductive health-care professionals, akin to an OB except they do not perform surgery. Doulas are birth support people or labor coaches. They are not required to have the medical training that midwives do, and do not perform any clinical tasks. Learn more about midwives and doulas.
Midwives are trained to handle perinatal complications, which includes hemorrhage, shoulder dystocia, unexpected breech, cord around the neck, meconium, etc. We are trained in both neonatal resuscitation (NRP) and cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). We carry life-saving anti-hemorrhagic medications (same ones you would receive in a hospital setting). However, in some cases (rare), you may need more resources than we can provide, and in those cases we do not hesitate to call 9-1-1.
No. Licensed Direct Entry Midwives (LDEM) are specialized in home and birth center births. For a midwife-attended hospital birth, look for a CNM (certified nurse midwife).
We do accept HSA payments! We do not bill insurance at this time but we do offer a super bill with billing codes that you may submit to your health insurance company. If they decide to cover part or all of the cost, we will reimburse you.
We cannot provide you with an epidural, however, to help reduce sensations of pain we recommend a calm, peaceful environment, doula support, water birth, prenatal education, including a childbirth education class (e.g. Hypnobirthing); and other relaxation techniques.
I work within a 25 mile radius of Salt Lake City, but will take clients beyond that distance for an additional travel fee.